Brighton Recovery Center for Women

Our Vision: Women are encouraged to have safe, healthy and positive attitudes that value sobriety and ongoing recovery leading to successful lives.

Brighton Recovery Center for Women is a 100-bed facility located in Boone County that utilizes the recovery dynamics curriculum and is a peer-driven model of recovery. The program helps women recover from chronic substance use disorder and addiction, and move toward a life of sobriety and productivity. The focus is to help women change their behavior, skills, and attitudes. BRC takes a long-term, holistic approach to recovery that is comprised of four distinct modules of progression and is ultimately connected to an array of Brighton Center services. On average, women spend 9-12 months immersed in a supportive environment that holistically allows them to recover from the effects of addiction and rebuild their lives.


Janie Hamilton
Women's Recovery Center Director
(859) 491-8303 ext. 5482
375 Weaver Road Florence, KY 41042

The four distinct components are:

  1. Safe Off the Streets (SOS) - Provides a safe, non-medical environment to begin deciding on a plan of recovery
  2. Motivational Tracks - Provides a low-pressure environment for committing to the process of recovery so that participants can experience the hope of change
  3. Phase I - Provides effective solutions to the problems of addiction. Programs are more focused and intense than the Motivational Tracks. Goals are increased social wellness, economic independence and ultimately recovery from addiction
  4. Phase II - Provides a means of reintroduction back into society. Participants obtain employment or participate in educational/job training programs, pay rent, work on maintaining sobriety, attend self-help meetings, and prepare a plan of action for living sober as productive members of society


Please click the links below to view comprehensive information on topics like the various faces of addiction, how to get help, and the different types of treatments that are available.

Why We Do It

The program was originally conceived to address one of the prime causes of homelessness in Kentucky, drug and alcohol addictions which had that population often seeking help at shelters, public hospitals, psychiatric institutions and detoxification centers. Many ended up either on the street, in jail, or dead. Care and change are the underlying principles of the Recovery Kentucky peer-driven model. Many people initially do not know if they desire or are capable of the change necessary for recovery. As they experience caring confrontation and feedback from their community of peers and see others who have been like them change, they begin to desire to be different. The use of Peer Mentors as teachers and mentors who share their “experience, strength, and hope” with other residents is a very powerful tool for change. Creating a safe, respectful, predictable living environment is important for recovery. Residents will be trying on new behaviors and need a safe, predictable structure in place to facilitate taking these risks.


Recovery Kentucky: A Successful Model of Addressing Substance Use Disorder
Presented by the Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Eligibility Critera

All interested women will be screened to determine appropriateness for Brighton Recovery Center for Women. In general, the Center serves women 18 and older desiring to recover from drug/alcohol addictions, homeless, or meet the criteria of low-income (50% or less of area median income, usually $25,000 or less for a single person). Women must have a substance use disorder, and be able to walk up to 3 miles daily, medically and psychologically stable, and may not have their name on an apartment lease. Convicted sex offenders who are on the Kentucky Sex Offender Registry and who have been convicted of manufacturing methadone on federal property cannot be admitted to, or reside at, the Brighton Recovery Center for Women under any circumstances in order to comply with Kentucky Revised Statute 17.495.


The Kentucky Department of Corrections has zero-tolerance for all forms of sexual conduct between offenders, staff, volunteers, contractors, or visitors. To report any incident of a sexual assault or sexual harassment involving an offender, call the PREA hotline toll free at 1-833-362-PREA (7732). You may choose to remain anonymous. Reports of sexual abuse or sexual harassment that involve possible criminal behavior will be referred to the Kentucky Department of Corrections or the Kentucky State Police for investigation.

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