We want to take the opportunity to thank all of the funders who awarded Brighton Center grants in December. Grants are an important part of how we provide programs to the community, launch new initiatives, and respond to the changing needs of those we serve.
Aldi Community Cares - Supports the Food Pantry.
Boone County Capital Project Fund - Funding for outdoor improvements at Brighton Recovery Center for Women.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) - provides funding for individual financial coaching and group education workshops around homeownership.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) - Funds to purchase food and provide meals to youth at Homeward Bound Shelter.
L & L Nippert Charitable Foundation - Support for Opportunity House.
Boone County Fiscal Court, Early Childhood Education Fund - continued funding to provide the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngers (HIPPY) Program in Boone County.
Walmart (Fort Wright, Florence, and Alexandria) - Funding for Emergency Assistance services and the Community Garden