This is Anabel, a 20-year-old single mom. She had been at a women's homeless shelter for nearly 3 months prior to being matched with Brighton Center. Her daughter, Hazel, is 15 months old.
She was bright and cheery the day she connected with Brighton Center and has been every single day since. From day 1, she was engaged and very focused on her goal. From the moment she was told about the program expectations and what Brighton Center’s role would be, she was determined to find housing for her and her toddler, Hazel. She communicated with every day and was constantly looking for housing. She scheduled all the viewings and never got discouraged when it wasn’t a good fit or the apartment was given to someone else. Anabel found the Landlord she is working with now all on her own and we believe and want to credit her for doing so. This Landlord will be an asset to not only our customers but to Brighton Center. The Landlord even reached out to us and asked if she could volunteer! Additionally, Anabel is also working on her goal of returning to school and has been in contact with Center for Employment Training. She was an attendee in the Medical Assisting program prior to having her daughter and is planning on returning as a Health Technology Administration student! Her housing move-in date was exactly 3 weeks from the day she found Brighton Center. We are thrilled to work with this young woman and look forward to supporting her on her journey. Anabel said she is excited to wake up in a place that is all hers. It does not get any better than that.
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