I learned about Center for Employment Training (CET) in 2014 when I was in high school from my dad. He graduated from the program and tried to convince me then to also go to CET, but I ended up going to a university for nursing, where I discovered it just wasn’t for me. It was also too expensive.
I enrolled at CET in 2016, but when my work schedule changed, and I was the sole provider, I ended up quitting. Over the next several years, I went from job to job, trying to figure things out while making minimum wage. Eventually, my mom suggested trying CET again, but I didn’t think they would take me back. After a few months of my mom encouraging me, I finally went to CET on a Friday afternoon, enrolled, and started classes the following Monday.
My son is my whole world, and I want to provide a better life for him. I knew I needed a stable career to support him. Being at CET has also allowed me to meet with a Financial Coach, create a budget, learn about credit, how to build it, and the importance of paying all my bills on time within my budget. Through CET, I am also able to earn an income through Federal Work Study.
Since starting at CET, I have made a huge turnaround. At first, I didn’t like change and was hesitant to do clinicals. Now, I am an Ambassador who went from not wanting to do clinicals to teaching others. For me, CET is more than just school, it’s like the orientation stage of a job where I learn everything I will need to know.
When I first started, I didn’t know what specialty I wanted to be in; I just knew that I have always wanted to be in the medical field. Through one of my clinical check-offs, I learned how Medical Assistants can work in surgery and knew it was a perfect fit for me. My husband and I hope to continue working with Financial Wellness to improve our credit scores in hopes of being able to purchase a home. I am excited to finish the program and have a steady career with benefits and paid time off that will allow my family to take a vacation without sacrificing income.
I love Brighton Center and CET because of the way they help and don’t want to see anyone fail. Brighton Center is a community of resources that is willing to help anybody no matter their race, color, sexual identity, religion, they are willing to help everybody. All you have to do is reach out.
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