George and Jann’s commitment to our mission and impact in the community have been truly remarkable.
George helped us make our first housing development a reality by providing the legal support we needed. He enjoyed working with Bob Brewster on this project and began to learn more about the mission of Brighton Center. He then went on to join our Board of Directors in 1982 and was Board President in 1986-87. Jann Seidenfaden joined right in and helped out in countless ways. She is organized, thoughtful, and energetic. While working as an attorney, she also stepped up to help with fundraisers and offered pro bono legal services. She provided workshops for the staff, joined our Board of Directors from 1996-98, and helped with our Endowment Campaign in 2010. Jann and George did all this while raising their children They’ve shown us their love and support through their time, talents and treasures for almost 40 years! We were honored to present them with our 2016 Community Support Award.
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