Every new parent can use a little extra help, and thanks to a friend who recommended the Every Child Succeeds (ECS) program, I found an incredible support system! My daughter and I started it when she was only one month old. The tools and knowledge that my Home Visitor gave me were key to making my motherhood journey the best experience. Because of ECS, my daughter met all of her growth and psychosocial development objectives. Learning new things about my daughter’s behavior at each stage of her growth has helped me be more aware of her needs as a mother.
My daughter and I graduated ECS in November of 2023 and are currently part of the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program. I am now a Home Visitor myself, and my daughter, Sophia, is now two years old and part of HIPPY. I recommend it to every mother since it provides all the skills necessary for parents to help their children prepare for Kindergarten and life-long learning. I am grateful to Brighton Center for giving me the opportunity to be part of a team that helps provide education and essential tools for the development of children.
Thanks to both of these programs, my daughter will be ready when she goes to school. She has good self-esteem, is confident, and is sociable. As a mother, that fills me with pride because I know that this is thanks to all the things I learned in the program and my dedication every day to being present and helping her learn, grow, and develop.
Working with families, especially providing services to Hispanic families, has been an enriching experience; each child is different, and I learn from each one. I plan to continue giving the best of myself to each family and each child who is part of Brighton Center.
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