I was connected to Brighton Center’s Street Outreach team through a presentation at my high school. My home life was not stable or a good environment to be in. I was trying to finish high school with many obstacles that most kids did not have. I had a lot of health issues and worries about basic survival needs that didn’t allow me to immerse myself in my education like I wished I could have.
Brighton Center became the support I was not getting at home. They set up health appointments for me, and I was finally able to get dental work done. They helped me with food through the Food Pantry and connected me to therapy through the on-site Counselor at Homeward Bound Shelter. They also helped me with the whole process of getting into college. No one in my family has ever gone to college, so we didn’t know about the process. The Street Outreach Specialist came to my school weekly to walk me through the process of applying and helping me get to my chosen college in Iowa. I received assistance with college applications, figuring out the travel logistics, getting my health insurance switched over, and setting me up with food. She even surprised me by coming to my graduation – she was the first person I saw when I left my graduation, and it was really really nice.
I started college in August of 2022, and I really love it. The Maharishi International University is unique and has people from all over the world, so I’m getting to study and get diversity from all of these different cultures. I’ve already made a lot of friends. I have a part-time job in an assisted living facility, and I’m studying anatomy and physiology. It’s very difficult but very rewarding. I’ll be here for about three years to get my bachelor’s degree, and then I plan to attend graduate school. Someday I hope to be a Doctor of Naturopathy so I can help as many people in the world as I can.
Brighton Center went above and beyond to make sure I was taken care of in ways I did not even know. I didn’t even realize it then, but the gifts I got at Christmas when I was little came from Brighton Center. They helped me improve my quality of life so I can live out my dreams instead of worrying about my survival. I am very proud that throughout my life, I’ve had many troubles and tribulations, but I never let any of them define who I was or how far I would go.
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