I am no longer a single high school mother statistic. Brighton Center showed me that I was much stronger and more deserving than I ever knew I was. They helped me build the path toward the career, family, and life that I wanted.
I was a single mother, working a minimum wage job and trying to balance school at the same time when I discovered Brighton Center’s Center for Employment Training (CET). Right from the get-go, the debt-free program I took part in focused on enabling people to start their careers strong. At Brighton Center, I could relate to the individuals around me. We came from the same types of situations. We were all there trying to change our lives for the better.
My Instructors were not just there to teach and leave. They cared about every single one of us like family. They showed up to teach and, in the process, built bonds with each of us. Brighton Center truly allowed me to focus on my studies and my children. They paved the way for my life as a Medical Assistant.
Attending CET prepared me for my career because of how hands-on the learning was. We practiced what we learned through mock office and clinicals. From blood draws, ear irrigations, mock interviews, and writing resumes, the program covered it all. Instructors would teach a lesson the first half of the day, and then we would physically practice it in the second half. Being able to be hands-on was hands-down the best part of CET and made me feel extremely comfortable walking into the hospital.
My life has changed tremendously since graduating from CET in 2011. I have worked at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, the #1 Children’s Hospital in the nation, for the past 12 years. I have received the Imagination and Courage Award from the Rubinstein Foundation in the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Center. I am a Registered Medical Assistant and obtained my Medical Assisting II Advancement Credential. Brighton Center taught me the skills and showed me the path toward success.
Brighton Center has also helped me balance my life. Before attending the program, I was struggling, but Brighton Center allowed me to prioritize my family, all while still advancing my career.
I am proud of the mother and provider I am to my sons and the life I have created for us. I currently own my own home and car, and I am putting my oldest son through college. Seeing my sons’ smiles every day always puts a smile on my face.
At Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, I work in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics as a Registered Medical Assistant II.
Brighton Center completely changed my life. If you are at a standstill in life and looking to better your future long-term, Brighton Center can help get you on that track. Their help allowed me to find a career I love and thrive in and provide for my family.
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