Paige’s Journey

From the moment I joined Youth Leadership Development (YLD) in fifth grade, it felt like stepping into a new world. At first, it was just something my friends talked me into, promising fun. Little did I know it would become a place where I found friends and a second family. 

I vividly remember those early days, sitting with my facilitator and pouring my heart out about everything under the sun. It felt liberating to have someone listen without judgment, to feel understood and valued. That’s what YLD became for me, a safe space where I could be myself, where I could laugh, learn, and grow.

As the years rolled by, so did the challenges. High school brought its own whirlwind of activities, including soccer, cheer, band, and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Balancing academics, sports, and YLD became a juggling act, but I was determined to make it work. There were times when it felt overwhelming, especially with my struggles with depression and anxiety, but YLD was always there and a constant support amidst the chaos.

One of the highlights of my time at YLD was Magnified Giving. I loved learning about different nonprofits. Giving back to the community became a passion, a way for me to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. It wasn’t just about volunteering; it was about understanding the world beyond myself and finding fulfillment in helping those in need.

COVID-19 brought its own set of challenges, but YLD adapted, continuing to be a beacon of stability in uncertain times. The familiar faces and activities provided a sense of normalcy when everything else seemed up in the air. It was during these moments that I realized the true value of community and connection, something YLD had nurtured in me from the beginning.

I’m grateful for the friendships and the memories I made. YLD helped me come out of my shell, become more outgoing, and embrace leadership opportunities I never thought possible. When the time came to think about college, YLD had prepared me well. Thanks to their support and encouragement, I earned a full scholarship to Thomas More University, where I plan to study criminal justice, a passion sparked by my love for crime TV shows.

As I prepare to embark on this new chapter, I carry with me the lessons learned from YLD: resilience, compassion, and the importance of giving back. I know the road ahead won’t be easy, but I feel ready! I am ready to continue making a difference, advocating for mental health, and embracing whatever comes my way.

YLD isn’t just a program; it’s been a lifeline, a place where I found my voice, my purpose, and a community that believes in me. As I step forward into the future, I know that YLD will always be a part of who I am, a testament to the power of youth programs and the transformative impact they can have on young lives.

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