Brighton Center has sincere care and compassion to help those in need in our communities.
They have a plethora of opportunities to help our community, and are continually developing more as needs surface. Remke Markets has proudly been involved with Brighton Center for over 20 years through various initiatives.
We have partnered with Brighton Center for many years at back-to-school time. Our Project Backpack is one great example of our partnership. Hosting the “kick-off” celebration at one of our Remke stores encourages our customers to participate in this exciting event. All children deserve to have school supplies, as this helps to excite them for the new school year. The passion that Brighton Center shows for this community event is noteworthy. Bringing the children/recipients to this 3-hour back pack “kick-off”, not only draws the attention of our customers, but it shows the passion that they have for the children. This event provides the children/recipients with the opportunity to thank customers’ in-person for helping them. Some kids see the genuine value when customers make a donation, and they learn to graciously accept this assistance. Brighton Center is empowering the children to learn and experience the many facets of life. It is especially heartwarming when a former recipient comes back to participate years later. He learned from this and has embraced philanthropy and now is giving back.
I am most impressed with the genuine care and concern that Brighton Center and staff have for their customers. There are so many different programs to meet customers’ needs no matter where they are in life. Brighton Center genuinely wants to help people get their feet on the ground. The support provided through education and training, financial assistance, and housing is just amazing! I love that all their customers are treated with dignity!
Brighton Center continues to enrich the lives of those in our company and those who we serve. One particular event that we have been hosting annually is the food drive in November and December. By hosting this in our Remke stores, we touch many people. Our store associates assemble bags of groceries that contain items that are typically needed by Brighton Center’s families. Customers have an easy invitation to purchase a bag of these groceries and drop them off in our donation bins in the stores. So many people seem to dig deep into their pockets during this time of year particularly, to help their neighbors who are in need.
Remke enjoys working with Brighton Center sporadically through the year, to help fill their pantries at the best cost, and to support various events. Many people within our organization have become involved in their community outreach.
Remke Markets continues to support Brighton Center because we witness the good that they are doing in our community. They use their resources wisely and are continually branching out to meet the ever-changing needs of their customers as shown through their two newest programs – Northern Kentucky Scholar House and the Newport Community Garden.
Northern Kentucky Scholar House is a brilliant way to assist single parents, who are in college by providing financial guidance, tutoring, employment assistance and access to many community based services. In addition, with the request from customers to have fresh vegetables, Brighton Center was able to secure land for a garden, in the middle of their urban community. I think this was brilliant. Families enter a whole new level of learning, appreciation and responsibility.
I would encourage everyone to support Brighton Center! They are almost a ‘one stop’ resource to help those in need to become self-sufficient. Brighton Center truly cares!
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