Brighton Recovery Center (BRC) taught me to love myself again. They showed me that I am worth so much more than I thought I was. On June 15th, 2018, I entered BRC after I was ordered to be there by the Department of Corrections. Initially, I did not want to be there. It was only after hearing that a close friend had passed from an overdose that I felt like I needed to be there. I had to change for myself. From that day forward, I started working on the steps to fight addiction.
Recovery at BRC is more than just fighting addiction; it’s about finding who you are. I became a Peer Mentor and gained a sense of responsibility. I learned to be a leader and overcame my public speaking fears. I was given the opportunity to work in the kitchen and on the catering crew through CENTER TABLE, Catering With A Purpose, a social enterprise catering business venture where proceeds directly support women in recovery. Through this experience, I learned how to cook and run a business.
Attending parenting classes at BRC changed my beliefs on what it means to be a mother and showed me I could be the mom I wanted when I was younger. I realized my self-value. Once I completed the first two phases of the program, I entered the Peer Mentor office. I worked 40 hours a week, taught classes to fellow residents, and assisted others in the program. BRC offered on-site financial classes through Brighton Center’s Financial Wellness services, where I learned what it meant to save, bank, and spend responsibly. Because of these skills, I purchased my first car ever right off the lot in 2020 and have never missed a payment.
After completing BRC, I became the House Manager of a Sober Living home and then went on to my own apartment. I built a relationship with my kids and took them on their first vacations. I earned my Peer Support certification, furthered my education in Human Resource Management, and even opened my own business. The skills I learned at BRC and through working on the catering team helped me build confidence to open Hidden Moon Wicked Delight, a dessert company where I bake and decorate cakes and cookies with my daughter. I also work full-time at a recovery center, helping others learn the skills to achieve sobriety. Brighton Center showed me that I had to be the one who wanted to change and that I had to better myself for my own good. At BRC, I fought addiction and began my life again. Now, I dream of opening my own bakery and supporting my daughters and grandchildren.
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