Success Stories
Brighton Center at its very core is a community based agency. The people in our community and their needs are the driving force behind the work we do. Trends and fads will come and go, but Brighton Center will always provide services the community needs and wants. Every day, Brighton Center works to engage all members of the community from young children to seniors so that real change can become reality. Every one of them has a story worth sharing... the following are just a few.

Teen Brothers Create New Family Thanks to Homeward Bound
Mike, age 16 and his brother, Mark age, 17 entered Homeward Bound Shelter in July of 2016 after being removed from their mother’s care. They were having trouble getting rides to school and became a truancy case for the cabinet. They were nervous upon entering the shelter, and said that they had an aunt in Ohio that wanted them and they wanted to live with her.
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United Way
United Way has been a leader in our community for the past 100 years. Each day in our region we see the impact of their work as they help people learn, grow, aspire, and live their best lives. Brighton Center is proud to have been an agency partner with United Way for the past 46 years. We partner and collaborate with them as they advance the common good for all in our community in the areas of education, income, and health.
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Bet & Dave
This thank-you note is addressed to every person, past and present, who has helped make the Brighton Center the success story that it is.
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My earliest memoryof Brighotn Center is going through the annual kids’ holiday toy sale when I was 4 or 5 years old. One dollar could buy so many toys that it would take us 3 or 4 trips to get all of our toys home.
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Sitting in CEO, Bob Brewster’s office in 1995, I fell in love with Brighton Center’s mission during my first sales call.
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"I was in a situation that was fight or flight. I decided to leave and fight for a better future for myself and two kids."
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I have been involved with Brighton Center since before my daughter was born.
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My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was 6 years old so we accessed services on and off from as far back as I can remember. Brighton Center defines stability in my opinion. My father still tells me stories about how Bob Brewster made sure he had football equipment. Both of my parents always said wonderful things about Brighton Center and I don’t doubt that it had a huge impact on their ability to become self-sufficient and give back in their adult lives.
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Rawe Family
Albert and Anna Rawe instilled a sense of community into their 12 children at a young age.
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