Success Stories

Brighton Center at its very core is a community based agency. The people in our community and their needs are the driving force behind the work we do. Trends and fads will come and go, but Brighton Center will always provide services the community needs and wants. Every day, Brighton Center works to engage all members of the community from young children to seniors so that real change can become reality. Every one of them has a story worth sharing... the following are just a few.

Rachael and Colton

Colton wanted to do more after graduating high school but wasn’t having any luck finding steady work. He struggled with a disability his whole life that made getting a secondary education and reaching his goals difficult. Colton and his mother Rachael heard about Kentucky Career Center (KCC) and sought help to make their dreams a reality.

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Salissa E.

Salissa, a mother of five children, came to Center for Employment Training (CET) in 2015. The goal was to earn her GED and become a Medical Assistant.  She was referred to CET by Brighton Center’s Family Center where Salissa utilized emergency assistance and financial services previously. Her children were introduced to Brighton Center’s Youth Leadership Development program where they were able to build leadership skills and conduct community service projects through this afterschool program. Salissa wanted to be a role model for her children and felt having no high school equivalency was holding her back and restrained her from finding higher wage employment to support her children.

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Anne Carter

My journey started in February 2017. I was working as a dental assistant and things were going great. I got off work on Friday just like every week with the thought that I will be back on Monday. I'll never forget the Saturday morning I was getting out of the shower and my phone rang. It was the doctor that I was working for.  He told me our building caught fire last night and we were closed until further notice. My first thought was if everyone is okay? He told me yes but we would have to see what the insurance company has to say about the building. Long story short, we had to close our doors and that is what put me in the unemployment line.

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One morning, as I was cutting out laminated red and green circles to teach my children “Red Light Green Light,” I thought of Brighton Center. I thought about everything this program taught me and the way it affected my parenting to this day. I was introduced to Brighton Center’s Every Child Succeeds (ECS) program in 2013 through Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). I was pregnant with my daughter Lyla and didn’t know what to expect as a new mother. I joined for the extra resources, not knowing the actual difference it was going to make in my life as well as my children’s lives. ECS provided a priceless gift. They shaped my belief that I can do better, that I am capable of raising a child, and that I didn’t have to fail as a parent. As of May 2017, I have had two children graduate from Every Child Succeeds. 

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Jim & Lynne

Jim and his wife, Lynne, joined the outreach ministries at St. Paul Episcopal Church five years ago to give back to their community. A community garden flourished on an overgrown unused lot at. St. Paul’s and sparked a partnership with Brighton Center to assist planning and implementation. Two years into the partnership, Nina Prysock of Brighton Center approached Jim to spark an even larger partnership; delivering food to those who are unable to leave their homes. Jim and the team of volunteers at St. Paul’s never hesitated to say yes.

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Ethel Lane

In 2005, I was attending college to get my law degree. I had big dreams for my education until one day my world changed. On my way to school I was thrown through my windshield by a drunk driver. The driver crossed four lanes of traffic and hit me head on. Instead of making it to class that day, I was rushed to the hospital with severe brain trauma.

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STEM Bike Club

Since 2016, Brighton Center and Newport Independent Schools have been awarded the STEM Bicycle Club through The Greater Cincinnati STEM collaborative. This partnership provides Brighton Center the opportunity to host a Bike Club in the spring for the teens in Newport. This “heads on, hands on” project engages middle school students for 10 weeks in the after-school environment. During the club, students break down and re-assemble bicycles that they also get to keep when they are finished.

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Kim Kathman

Brighton Center has impacted my life without a shadow of a doubt. Center for Employment Training has granted me the gift of self-sufficiency and as of November 9, 2017, I can proudly say I am a Medical Assisting CET Graduate!

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Jacob Center For Employment Training

"I think I like the vibe at Center for Employment Training the most. I feel comfortable here. It is okay to ask questions and I can talk to anyone about anything. Everyone will always make time for you." -Jacob

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I had my daughter at 16. Even though she changed my life for the better, it was a struggle. I lost friends, fought battles, was judged by many, but one thing I knew, I didn’t want to become another statistic. I had to break the odds that were against me. I didn’t think I could ever make it on my own, but I am here doing it. I am unbreakable right now.

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