Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters

Children and their families are provided a high quality educational experience in a nurturing environment leading to school success.

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) provides Home Visitation services for Boone, Campbell, and Kenton County families with children ages 2-5 that focus on helping parents prepare their preschool age children for success in school. Home Visitors help parents mingle learning and play as a part of the curriculum.

  • Open to all Campbell, Kenton, and Boone County residents
  • Free!
  • Supplies are provided!

Why We Do It

Research clearly shows that a child’s brain grows at an extraordinary pace in the first six years of their life and thus lays the foundation for lifelong development. It is truly important to take advantage of this crucial time because the human brain has the highest potential for new learning. Appropriate early childhood programs not only help a child’s brain development, they also contribute to physical, emotional, and social development. Early Education in high quality settings like Family Daycare homes recognize that learning in the early years is critical to a child’s lifelong development and is geared to give children a jump-start in learning and prepare children for kindergarten.

The goal is to ensure children are ready to learn on their first day of school. High quality programs improve school performance; raise math and language abilities, sharpen thinking/attention skills, lower school dropout rates, improve and strengthen interactions with peers, encourage more exploratory behavior, and prepares children to succeed in school. Long-term Early Childhood programs increase lifelong earning potential, lower rates of teen pregnancy and incarceration, enable students to have higher earnings, lower the crime rates, and increase high school graduation rates.

Additional Information

The program accepts referrals from any Campbell, Kenton, and Boone County residents for the academic year beginning each year in September. Interested parents and other referral sources are encouraged to call Nicole Carter at (859) 491-8303 Ext. 2603.